Sunday 12 June 2011

5K Final Report

9 Players came back today to play for over £7K in prizes
first man to bite the dust was Kev Hutton , Kev - shortstacked from the start and needing a double up, pushed for his 25k stack, holding Ac10c with blinds at 3k 6k , however he ran into Brad hanslers pair of 7`s and with no improvent he is gone in 9th for £140
next to go was Dave elliot who pocketed £210 for his troubles , pushing pre flop with K9 to run into A 10 from Martin webb ,the turn offerred some hope giving dave 2 pairs but the river made Martin a straight
in 7th was Brett Zsabados who`s JJ cam up against Martin Webbs KK - the flop gave both players a set  but no elusive case jack and Bret was out with £281
6th place went to Joe chivers who was all in Pre with AJ , only to get a call from Ed Ryan with AK , the flop treated joe well with a jack  but a nasty king on the river sent him packing £351 better off
5th place and £491 goes to Chris parker who's K6 did him no favours against Simons A2, with Simon hitting 2 pairs.
4th place went to our very own Ed Ryan who called an all in from Simon. Simon with A5 and Ed with J7, Simon flopped an Ace which held up. Ed takes home £631.
we are now heads up - Brad Hansler just gone in 3rd spot for £982 , pushing with A4 he ran into Simon Taylors JJ a killer Jack on the flop sealed his fate
And a winner - Congratulations to Martin Webb who beat Simon Taylor in the heads up
a great finish to a great league and roll on the next one

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